The counterclockwise clock

Ricardo Jimenez
Jun 4, 2024
min read

I wanted to build a counterclockwise clock. 

This was my genius startup idea.

I know it sounds absurd now.

But at the time I had it, I thought it was the most fascinating idea since twist-off beer caps.

To add on that, it was important for me to be an entrepreneur.

And you can’t be an entrepreneur without an idea. Right?

So there I had my idea - a counterclockwise clock.

Does the same thing as it did until now, but backwards.

I thought it was a unique way to prompt conversations.

I thought the world would want to tell the time backward.

But it turns out that I was wrong.

Here are the 3 rookie mistakes I made.

1️. I fell in love with my idea.

I was fascinated by my idea.

I thought everyone would want one.

Don’t make the same mistakes I did.

Test your idea. Throw it on the wall and see if it sticks.

2️. I hid it from the outside world.

I kept the concept to myself.

I barely found the courage to tell my friend Juan about it.

When I did, I discovered the backward clock was already on the market. 

I was devastated. I was disappointed. I lost hope in my brilliant idea.

So, don’t waste time! 

Get feedback on your idea fast and pivot until it’s worth building a business on.

3️. I didn’t do the bare minimum research.

A quick Google search.

A quick question for AI nowadays.

It would have given me the information I needed.

So, if you want to have a brilliant idea.

Don’t keep it to yourself.


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