No marketing initiative will bring you sales if you don’t know who your customer is

Ricardo Jimenez
Jun 27, 2024
min read

No marketing initiative will bring you sales if you don’t know who your customer is. 

I witnessed this while building Plushkies. 

We tried multiple ideas, convinced that traction and revenue were there.

First experiment - Facebook Ads

We didn't spend a lot of money.

However, our page got thousands of followers.

Surprisingly, some of them turned into orders.

Yet, no correlation between them and sales.

Our main touchpoint according to Facebook:

Brittney Spears fans. 


Second experiment - Google Ads

We invested in search terms. 

We targeted the generic "plush toys".

No return.

We invested in long-tail keywords.

We narrowed our audience and lowered the costs.

No return.

I suppose it was absurd to think anyone might

be searching for “plush toys in the shape of countries”.

Third experiment - HubSpot

I was excited about a new methodology.

A new way to attract and engage buyers.

I devoted time on content for inbound and SEO.

I’d spend my weekends writing our first posts.

Yet, no sales generated.

Fourth experiment - External mentor support

I went to SXSW in Austin & met Chase Jarvis.

The founder of CreativeLIve.

I thought he'll help us increase sales.

I was naive.

The problem was elsewhere. 

He addressed a simple question to me:

💡 Ricardo, who is your customer? 💡

That’s the first thing you need to figure out.

Pretty obvious now, but not to me at the time.

I had to take a step back to the basics.

P.S. This is a question I get all the time now, "how do you find your customer?" to which I still don't have a good answer.


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