Winners vs. losers

Jan 30, 2025
min read

What truly defines a winner? 

What about a loser?

I recently watched the video below from Dr. Andrew Huberman, who shared the following idea.

📈Winners: Receive pain and turn it into something good for others

📉Losers: Receive pain and produce more pain.

This got me thinking.

Spinning up from this idea, I see winners as people who don’t expect others to give them what they are not willing to give to themselves. 

Some of us have more lucky circumstances than others. But this applies regardless of circumstances. Within current circumstances.

Winners take responsibility. It's not that they don’t expect anything from others, but their attention is not on what they can get from others but on doing their best with the cards they are dealt.

Winners simply do the best they can and are givers.

Losers are takers.

They expect others to do what they won't do for themselves. I'm not talking about material things but opportunities, an optimistic attitude, and validation.What’s your definition of a winner?


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