When was the last time you did something just for fun?
Sometimes, we’re all-in on building a business.
That can make you forget about YOU.
When you’re driven by heart and hustle, it’s tempting to pour every ounce of energy into your work.
But the truth is - we are more than work.
We are more than our company.
When there’s no fun left, the journey loses its meaning.
So, my challenge for you today is:
Do one thing every day just for you.
Not for your company.
Not for your friends.
Not for anyone else.
Just for you. Just for the fun of it.
Reclaim a bit of your individuality each day.
Take a break.
Try something new.
Spend time on a hobby you love.
Whatever makes you feel good brings you joy because when you’re fulfilled, your business benefits, too.
Founders, what’s one small thing you do to stay connected to yourself outside of work? Share your go-to recharge activity in the comments! 👇
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