The most important thing in a startup - The Team

Ricardo Jimenez
Jun 6, 2024
min read

Nothing is more important to a startup than people.

I’ve seen this as an investor in companies.

More importantly, I’ve seen it in my own company.

At the very early stage, you don’t have:




All you have is a bunch of people and their dreams. 

And this is the best part:

People are your most powerful resource. Even with a great idea, you’ll not get anywhere without the right people.

However, the biggest challenge is finding them. 

When I was building @Plushkies, my hiring budget was zero dollars. I was lucky enough to be surrounded by people who believed in what we did.

Support came, even when I wasn’t looking for it. People offered their skills pro bono or accepted to be paid below market value.

This is how I met Bruce Lee (literally his name).

He was the best designer we could have found. 

Each of his ideas helped us improve our product. 

His creativity tested our vision as co-founders.

My bottom line is:

A genius idea isn't enough without the right people.

Let them help you execute your plan.

Let them guide you.


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