Plushkies - mistakes before the launch - Part 1

Ricardo Jimenez
Jul 16, 2024
min read

What did I do wrong in launching my first company? 

How I went from excitement to a reality check.

With Plushkies we made educational plush toys.

It’s the first company I tried to build.

Here's a look back at some initial missteps:

I immersed myself in too many unnecessary ideas.

👉 State-shaped toys. 

👉 Location-specific designs.

👉 A social media account for each Plushky 

👉 A social media app for Plushky owners. 

👉 Perhaps even a theme park!

These features sounded cool. 

But did they directly support our core product?

No, they didn't.

My enthusiasm took over reality. 

We needed an actionable launch plan.

While having strong ambition seems great.

Starting too broad can be overwhelming.

Instead, for Plushkies, we would have needed:

→ a focused product launch

→ a realistic and measurable approach

→ a loyal customer base before the launch

→ sustainable funding to support our launch

This would have given us a stronger foundation.


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