Please, avoid burnout!

Ricardo Jimenez
Oct 1, 2024
min read

When was the last time you stopped and took a deep breath?

Today, I’m your reminder to step back and relax.

As a founder, I’ve spent countless hours with my mind racing in every direction. 

Loans, mortgages, the future of my company.

All these feel overwhelming.

Here’s what I’ve learned the hard way:

1️. Take a pause – Running non-stop isn’t healthy.

2. Get good rest – You need energy to keep going. 

3️. Check in with yourself – Are you okay? Physically? Emotionally?

Burning yourself out isn’t a badge of honor.

It’s a red flag & a warning sign. 

What do you really gain if you conquer the world but you lose yourself? 


If you need a big exit in order to feel good about yourself, then the exit is just a distraction from your own negative feelings about yourself. You don’t feel good about yourself.


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