How much trust would you place in a person?
My friend invested 80% of his net worth in one.
A huge mistake that cost him everything.
He joined CryptoSpain for an investment.
A Spanish “YouTube expert” on avoiding taxes at the margin of the law.
After seeing returns on small investments with him, he trusted him for a larger project.
He trusted the man’s word and ignored the risks because he’d already seen this guy deliver.
He sold all his Ethereum and Solana digital assets that had him on an accelerated path toward early retirement and invested 80% of his net worth.
But things went sideways.
The guy was arrested for fraud.
Now, my friend’s money is frozen until the whole story gets sorted out.
What can we learn from here?
👉 Don’t let small wins cloud your judgment. Get advice before diving in.Verify the deal, the founders, and the company.
👉 Diversify your portfolio.There’s times to concentrate your bets and times to diversify them. Know where you are.
👉 Consider that there may be external risks that you cannot even consider.
Sometimes, it’s more than just the business model.
But about hidden political forces, you can’t see.
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