We often face choices about how to spend our time. What if spending money saved you something even more precious?
Throw money at your problems.
It might be the smartest investment.
If your time is worth more than the cost of outsourcing a task, pay someone else to do it.
Here’s an idea that I first heard from Naval Ravikant.
Value your time at X$ per hour.
Say it’s $100.
If a task doesn’t give you $100 worth of value in return, don’t do it—outsource it or skip it.
It can:
-> save you time
-> save your energy
-> let you focus on things that matter
This doesn't mean money should be the only factor.
But for many small daily hassles, it can work.
Money is a tool.
Use it to buy back your time and focus.
How about you? What’s one task you’d immediately drop if you started valuing your time this way?
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