Getting unstuck is part of the process

Ricardo Jimenez
Sep 29, 2024
min read

For me, progress didn’t always mean success. 

It meant moving forward. 

Mustering the energy to put again one foot ahead of the other, and trying to place it in the best location possible.

I didn’t always have a clear path to follow. 

But, I found a way to keep going.

Here’s what I learned from my journey with Plushkies: 

→ Rejection hurts.

Your rational mind might say it’s okay, but your heart knows it hurts.

→ Emotions aren’t obstacles.

You don’t need to overcome them. You need to recognize and connect with what you feel.

→ No universal recipe.

Every situation, every journey, and every moment is different. There are no universal answers. 

I didn’t have the right answer to all the problems every time, but what brought me here today was to keep going. To keep trusting.

Trusting that giving my best will always be enough.


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