Any meaningful change requires our awareness

Oct 17, 2024
min read

Are you stuck in a loop?

90% of the same thoughts every day...

Dr. Joe Dispenza says it all starts with our personality, 

which he defines as our thoughts, behaviors, and emotions.

We all want to change our reality.

We all want more—more health, more success, deeper relationships.

But are we truly changing to make it happen?

But we don’t want to change our personality.

The irony is our personality creates our reality.

90% of each day looks the same.

Most of us go through life on autopilot.

This creates a loop that we unknowingly follow.

If you’re not conscious of this,

you’ll keep repeating the same patterns.

The only way to create real change

is to become aware of this autopilot mode.

→ Choose to do something new.

→ Challenge your old patterns.

→ Step out of your comfort zone.

And the hardest and most hidden of all, let go of your belief systems.

You don’t need complex ideas to live by 

They are all learned. Nothing to do with reality.

Your thoughts, behaviors, and emotions shape your world. Choose wisely. 

You can become the person who creates the life you desire.


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